********************************************* * Airwar over Vkor - A Warlands Scenario * * By Darrin Anderson 1/4/1996 * * Playtest: Mike Ehrenhofer, Gary Manning * ********************************************* * A Warcraft2(tm) scenario * ********************************************* Scenario Background: -------------------- The mighty Elven kings have summoned forth their elite Griffin guard to face off with the Dragonlords of Vkor. The two forces clash over the mountains as time will only tell who is victorious. Specifics: ---------- Versions: 1 or 2 players Races: May use either race (orc or humans) Designer Hints: --------------- The Dragons and Griffins are mighty indeed. Build them quickly and note how much stronger the Dragonlords and Elite Elven Guard are compared to their lesser comrades. Designer Notes: --------------- The Dragons and Griffins are nearly x4 the power of an ordinary beast. --->DMA<---